
Why Police Unions Are Not The Same As Labor Unions

Police have been on the wrong side of the centuries-old struggle between workers and employers.

Rather than side with members of the working class, police have used their legal authority to protect businesses and private property, enforcing laws viewed by many as anti-union.

Breaking Lines

When workers managed to form unions, companies called on local police to disperse union gatherings, marches and picket lines using violence and mass arrests to break the will of strikers.


Collective Bargaining is meant to be used as a tool for workers rights. A tool for reform and accountability.

It is not meant to shield workers from accountability for their actions, especially when they have caused harm to other workers or the public.

As long as police unions continue to wield their collective bargaining power as a [weapon], preventing reforms and accountability, no one is safe.

Writers Guild of America, East

Police Unions + Misconduct

There is a direct correlation between officer misconduct and police unionizing under bad contracts.

Their contracts in various ways can often make it very difficult to remove or discipline police officers… And there are a lot of protections provided to the police officers that go beyond what most of us would regard as fair and reasonable for employees.

Daniel Nagin, Carnegie Mellon University

Police Unions vs Labor

Click the button below download our document about why repealing Chapter 174 does not affect labor unions.

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